There are many pieces to the puzzle that make an event great. Volunteers are the centerpiece of every In the Cut 5k event. Without the support of local schools, nonprofits, groups, and individuals we wouldn’t be able to bring high-quality events to the Metro-Detroit area.
The majority of the funds raised go right back to help the surrounding community. If you’d like to volunteer as a group please contact the In the Cut 5k Volunteer Coordinator using the contact form under contact us. Individuals willing to donate their time click the registration link and sign up under the volunteer option.
Whether you’re an individual or a group, registering to volunteer is easy.
Volunteer Position Descriptions
Course Sarety Team – At critical points on the run course a flagger or team member will present to direct participants for turns and safety hazards. Team members may be standing, or on bicycles with volunteer shirts and safety vests. All volunteers must remain at their assigned position until last participants is past the position. Reports to Run Course Coordinator.
Finish Line Team – Assist at finish line chute handing out water and finisher medals as athletes cross the finish line. The team will also select two members to hold the finish ribbon for the first male and female athletes that cross the finish line. After the last athlete has crossed the finish line the team will assist in the breakdown of the finish line. Reports to Finish Line Team Leader
Green Team – Circulate the race site including the -race start line and finish line areas ensuring all trash is properly discarded. Volunteers working this position will be provided gloves and trash bags. Reports to Race Coordinator
Water Station & Course Setup Team – Assist in setting up the race site. This includes unloading material from trucks, setting up hydration station and race area (finish line, -race, etc.), and ensuring the race site is “buttoned up” for race morning. The
Water On-Course Team – Includes preparing drinks and serving fuel (drinks and any other race provided items) to the athletes as the pass. Stations will be well stocked and drinks (water and Gatorade) should be handed out or offered to every runner at the 1 Mile and 2 Mile mark. Part of the group will prepare drinks while the rest of the group will be handing out drinks to the athletes. As athletes approach volunteers should be yelling out what they are handing out so athletes can take what they need. After the final athlete has passed the hydration station, the team will break down the station.
Registration Packet Pickup Team - Distribute race packets during packet pick up. Packets include everything the athlete needs to compete and any promotional material. Volunteers are also responsible for the setup and breakdown of the packet pickup area. The final shift of early packet pickup will be responsible for complete breakdown and loading the trucks. This position includes both Early Packet Pickup and Race Day Packet Pickup & Registration. Reports to Packet Pickup Team Leader
Results & Awards Team – Assist in the setup and coordination of awards distribution and relaying the results from the timing tent to the awards area. Volunteers will also record any timing/results issues reported by athletes and will report them to the timing tent. Setup includes the awards display, podium, and media backdrop. Reports to
Race Coordinator Start/Finish Line Setup – Assist in preparing the start and finish line with any items that cannot be setup before the event including some promotional material and banners, and the medal and hydration stations. Reports to Operations Coordinator and Race Coordinator
Race Site Breakdown Team – Assist in breaking down run site after the event is completed. This includes breaking down every area (swim, transition, finish line, race, etc.), packing and loading materials into the trucks, and cleaning all event areas. Reports to Operations Coordinator
Team Leaders – Will organize the teams they are assigned to and assist in completing the positions. Team leaders must be at least 18 years old. Team leaders will be contacted prior to event with specific duties. Packet Pickup Team and Volunteer